Yumei Gung, L.Ac.

Licensed Acupuncturist

Graduate from Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine

Yumei Gung is a licensed acupuncturist based in Maryland. She was born and raised in Taiwan and educated in the US prior to her work in acupuncture. She received the Diploma of Acupuncture from Jung Tao School of Classical Chinese Medicine in 2013. She strives to promote patient’s health with an integrative approach that combines acupuncture, cupping, herbs consultation, and dietary change.

夫上古聖人之教下也, 皆謂之虛邪賊風, 避之有時. 恬淡虛無, 真氣從之. 精神內守, 病安從來. 是以志閑少欲, 心安而不懼, 形勞而不倦. 氣從以順, 各從其欲, 皆得所願. 故美其食, 任其服, 樂其俗, 高下不相慕. 其民故曰朴. 是以嗜欲不能勞其目, 淫邪不能惑其心. 愚智賢不肖, 不懼於物, 故合於道. 所以年皆度百歲, 而動作不衰者, 以其德全不危也. (黃帝內經. 素間)

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